
Ofcom to ‘actively encourage’ use of 03 numbers

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03In a statement released today, Ofcom has announced new rules to enforce the provision of more mobile friendly communications.

The telecoms regulator has announced that it will ‘actively encourage’ the use of 03 numbers as a non-geographic alternative to expensive 084 numbers.

It has also confirmed plans to make 0800 numbers completely free to call from mobiles, in line with the increasing demand for more mobile friendly phone numbers from consumers.

Companies are able to use 03 numbers as an alternative to high charging 08 numbers as calls to them are never charged at more than a call to a geographic (01 or 02) number and are almost always included in monthly minute bundles with mobiles.

03NumberShop’s CEO Mahmood Mazhar is pleased with today’s announcement: “We are dedicated to raising the profile of the 03 number range because of the benefits it offers both businesses and their customers.

“Ofcom introduced the number range to offer a conscientious business alternative to chargeable 08 numbers which can often mean consumers pay up to 40p per minute to call from mobiles.

“It is great to get confirmation of the plans to make 0800 numbers completely free following the proposals made earlier in the year. It is important that mobile users are catered for, especially in today’s market, so making these steps towards providing more mobile friendly communications is promising for 2014.”