Monthly Archives :

February 2014

A quick guide to how 084 and 087 numbers are changing

George Cotter

From June 2014 companies will no longer be able to provide 0845, 0844, 0870 or 09 numbers for customer services.  As this may cause some confusion, we have put together a quick guide on how 084 and 087 numbers are changing. The new laws are part of “The Consumer Rights Directive”, which states “Post-contract customer helplines…

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Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust switches to 0344 number on Friday


Patients, visitors and members of the public interested in contacting the Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust will no longer experience high call costs as they have announced plans to switch over to the 03 number range. From Friday 28th February, the Trust will switch their existing 0844 811 8118 number for general enquiries and start to…

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Another council comes under fire for the use of higher rate numbers


Rochdale Council is the latest in a line of organisations that have come under fire for their use of higher rate numbers for some of their services and departments. The council is currently providing 0845 numbers for their environmental management, environmental health, street lighting, highways and engineering, library services, regeneration, planning and regulation, job vacancies,…

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Floodline offers cheaper calls with an 0345 number


Victims of the recent floodings have had some good news today after a cheaper helpline number has been released. The Environment Agency has come under fire recently because of their use of an 0845 number for the support line provided to those who have been affected by the recent floods, with Prime Minister David Cameron…

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