Posts By :

George Cotter

03 Numbers – Everything you need to know

1000 500 George Cotter

So you’ve seen businesses advertising 03 numbers but not sure how they work or are you a business looking for more information on how to get one? You’re in the right place! As the leading provider of 03 numbers in the UK and the industry experts, the guys at 03NumberShop have put together a comprehensive…

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4 reasons why new 08 number call costs are great news for 03

150 150 George Cotter

1. More cost effective to operate than 0800 Numbers Those who keep themselves up-to-date on the telecoms industry will be aware that from July 2015 0800 numbers will be free to call from mobiles. This move has been introduced by the regulator Ofcom due to varying (and confusing) calls costs charged by mobile operators. The…

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A quick guide to how 084 and 087 numbers are changing

George Cotter

From June 2014 companies will no longer be able to provide 0845, 0844, 0870 or 09 numbers for customer services.  As this may cause some confusion, we have put together a quick guide on how 084 and 087 numbers are changing. The new laws are part of “The Consumer Rights Directive”, which states “Post-contract customer helplines…

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